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Developing a Strategic IS / IT Alignment Framework for Globalizing Firms, JETCIS, 2016

by 가치를 만드는 지식 혁신가 2016. 6. 2.
Developing a Strategic IS / IT Alignment Framework for Globalizing FirmsABSTRACT PDF
Jungwoo Lee, Jun-Gi Park210-215

Developing a Strategic IS / IT Alignment Framework for Globalizing Firms 

Full TextPdf Pdf
AuthorJungwoo Lee, Jun-Gi Park
On Pages210-215
Volume No.7
Issue No.4
Issue DateMay 1, 2016
Publishing DateMay 1, 2016
KeywordsGlobalization, global information systems, coordination, cooperation, replicative, hierarchical, collaborative, virtual, multinational, international, transnational, strategic alignment, IS/IT, information systems, information technology


Information systems and information technologies (IS/IT) is transforming the structure of major industries across typical national boundaries and borders. Global economy as a whole is morphing fast into an information and knowledge based economy, altering firms’ long-held assumptions about the dynamics of competition in their respective industries in their localities. Indeed, we are entering into a new economy with new dynamics and new rules emerge with extensive and speedy expansion into globalized operations. Changes and transformation enabled by IS/IT are creating opportunities as well as challenges for business corporations to seek expansion and growth in globalized markets. In this article, we analyze the globalization strategies and explore the concept of strategic alignment of IS/IT strategies with the firms’ globalization strategies. A two by two matrix consisting of coordination and cooperation is presented as an alignment framework with four different types of alignment: replicative, hierarchical, collaborative and virtual IS/IT. Practical implications of this alignment framework are discussed. 
