IT서비스에 있어서 서비스 품질이 지식공유의도에미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Exploring the influences of service quality on knowledge sharing intentions in IT service

[2009년 중견연구자지원사업] IT서비스에 있어서의 지식공유 매커니즘 분석: 서비스 제공자와 사용자간의 지식네트워크 분석을 중심으로
IT service is increasing becoming a critical resource firms have to utilize effectively and efficiently. As the importance of IT service increases, the knowledge sharing between IT service people and users becomes more and more important. In this study, the IT service quality is posited as a critical independent construct that influences knowledge sharing attitude of users which in turn change the knowledge sharing intention. Service satisfaction is placed as a mediator between the quality and attitude to compare direct and indirect effect in the model. Results show that (1) IT service quality influences the knowledge sharing attitude of users directly, and indirectly through service satisfaction, (2) at the same time, however, the direct path from quality to attitude is found to be stronger than the indirect path through satisfaction, and (3) interestingly, satisfaction seems to have no direct effect on intention, but only through the attitude change as can be inferred from the theory of reasoned action. Outcome of this study implies the importance of IT service quality in improving the knowledge sharing activities between users and developers, and interestingly the aim of quality would not be targeted on satisfaction but on attitudinal changes.
IT Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Knowledge sharing, User Behavior Intention, IT Service Knowledge
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