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[SSCI]Exploring the Impact of Empowering Leadership on Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity and Team Performance in IT Service Teams,ITP,2014

by 가치를 만드는 지식 혁신가 2013. 7. 17.

[Information Technology & People] - In Press, 2014

Exploring the Impact of Empowering Leadership on Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity and Team Performance in IT Service Teams

Jungwoo Lee, Hyejung Lee, Jungi Park*



 Although empowering leadership has been known as one of important type of leadership in modern management, few studies have examined mechanisms linking empowering leadership to team performance, particularly in IT service teams. This study empirically investigates the mechanism through which empowering leadership of a team leader might influence the team performance in IT services. A survey was conducted using questionnaire containing items for empowering leadership, knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity and team performance. The research model was analyzed using PLS against 315 data points collected from 85 different IT projects. Results indicates that team leader's empowering leadership raises the level of knowledge sharing among team members and increase the absorptive capacity of the team, and lead to better team performance. Theoretical implications are discussed with practical applications of this theoretical development.


Keywords: empowering leadership, IT services, knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity, team performance, IT service teams, team level leadership
