[ICIS 2015] Sustainability and Societal Impacts of IS (Involved in AE) 본문
[ICIS 2015] Sustainability and Societal Impacts of IS (Involved in AE)
가치를 만드는 지식 혁신가 2015. 4. 25. 13:17Sustainability and Societal Impacts of IS
Track Chairs
Marie Claude Boudreau, University of Georgia, mcboudre@uga.edu
Stefan Seidel, University of Lichtenstein, Stefan.Seidel@uni.li
Jungwoo Lee, Yonsei University, Korea, jlee@yonsei.ac.kr
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This track welcomes theoretical and empirical perspectives on societal impacts (positive, negative, and perverse) of information systems (IS). These impacts can be actual or potential, intended and unintended, and positive, negative or perverse in effect. The relationship of these impacts with longer term sustainability of society itself, is a legitimate area of research and concern.
The consequences of IS, whether they revolve around social, ethical, economic, or environmental issues, can translate into better or worse quality of life and work, social inclusion/exclusion, (non)discrimination, and (un)employment. Those consequences also contribute to degradation or betterment of the natural environment. IS are both a contributor to climate change through a considerable carbon footprint, and a means to managing that carbon footprint.
The IS community is uniquely positioned to address these issues of sustainability and societal impacts, given its encompassing knowledge of both technical and social dimensions, along with a solution-oriented inclination that has been developed over four decades.
We thus invite rigorous and relevant studies addressing the above and employing a wide variety of methods. Empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies as well as design-oriented research and conceptual papers on theory development will be considered. Due to the encompassing nature of the topic, we encourage the submission of studies that address a variety of different units of analysis, including individual, group, process, organization, government, and society at large, from a broad spectrum of disciplines including business and information systems, engineering, management, operations management, applied computer science, marketing, economics, etc.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Societal consequences of emerging technologies
- Theoretical perspectives on (un)intended consequences of IS
- Changing nature of work and life in information society
- Side effects of IS, such as work stress, addiction, victimization, surveillance, etc.
- IS-related unemployment and deskilling, especially in knowledge work
- The role of IS in social protest and economic or educational (in)equality
- Responsible societal innovations using IS
- IS for greener supply chains
- Energy informatics
- Green IS
- Environmental and societal IS planning and governance
- Sustainable design in IS
- Sustainable business practices and processes
- Methods for assessing social, ethical, environmental, and other impacts of IS
- The role of IS in supporting and empowering marginalized groups in society
Associate Editors
Rajendra Bandi, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, rbandi@iimb.ernet.in
Jenine Beekhuyzen, Griffith University, j.beekhuyzen@griffith.edu.au
Adela Chen, Colorado State Univ, adela.chen@business.colostate.edu
Jacqueline Corbett, Universite Laval, jacqueline.corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca
Viet Dao, Shippensburg University, vtdao@ship.edu
Jason Dedrick, Syracuse University, jdedrick@syr.edu
Gilbert Fridgen, University of Bayreuth, gilbert.fridgen@uni-bayreuth.de
Gwangyong Gim, Soongsil University, gygim@soongsil.ac.kr
Sora Kang, Hoseo University, sorak@hoseo.edu
Jinhwa Kim, Sogan University, jinhwakim@sogang.ac.kr
Stefan Klein, University of Muenster, klein@wi.uni-muenster.de
Lutz Kolbe, University of Goettingen, lkolbe@uni-goettingen.de
Johann Kranz, University of Goettingen, jkranz@uni-goettingen.de
Ho Geun Lee, Yonsei University, h.lee@yonsei.ac.kr
Seth Li, Clemson University, fnlsyaa@gmail.com
Peter Loos, Saarland University, peter.loos@iwi.dfki.de
Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business Schoo, rm.itm@cbs.dk
Alemayehu Molla, RMIT University, alemayehu.molla@rmit.edu.au
Kim Normann Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, kna.itm@cbs.dk
Jun-Gi Park, Yonsei University, warren.pak@gmail.com
Jacqueline Pike, Duquesne University, pikej@duq.edu
Israr Qureshi, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, israr.qureshi@polyu.edu.hk
Gilbert Silvius, LOI University of Applied Sciences, gilbert.silvius@gmail.com
Rick Watson, University of Georgia, rwatson@uga.edu
Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, University of Illinois at Chicago, mbwm@uic.edu
Jane Webster, Queens University, jwebster@business.queensu.ca
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